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I'd forgotten about the hell that is potty training. it's been 5 years since I've been down this road, it's amazing how your mind blocks these things out.
Actually, everything is going fairly smoothly. I use the naked baby approach to pottying, we used it on Number 1 as well, but for some reason Squirt seems to be getting it a bit quicker.
Initially I was tired of the diaper changes, but I don't know whether that was worse than the continuous routine that we have fallen into. The only time Squirt is wearing pants and a diaper is when he is eating(lets face it, nobody wants to be naked at the table), when he's napping, and when we go out into public. My attention on him has to be constant(as if it wasn't before). Thankfully we haven't had any(yup, not one) accidents since day one. A few times he peed on the floor and that was all it took. He pees on the potty like a pro. As long as he's not wearing pants that is... It's like all the rules change when the pants are back on. Pooping is another story all together. But that's always harder when it comes for kids to get used to. It's a traumatic experience. He's never made it to potty for poop. He's gotten to the point now where he'll hold it in. I mean ALL day. He'll go around asking for a diaper. We don't put it on unless it's one of the designated times. But when we do...holy man o man... He's getting better though, he farts on the potty like a pro :D
Here's an example of our potty experience:
1) Squirt gets an "Oh" look
2) Squirt runs to potty
3) duh
4) Squirt finds dad and takes him the potty bucket(yeah I know, constant supervision, blah blah blah)
5) Dad empties bucket into toilet and rinses it out
6) Squirt terrifyingly holds the lid of the toilet, afraid to close it(and I mean death grip)
7) flush)
8) Gotta smell the candle on the back of the toilet(we ALL gotta smell it)
9) Wash hands
10) cheer loudly(well, Squirt still does anyway)
11) Rub his penis on the firewood while slowpoke daddy gets his candy
12) Eat celebratory candy
13) Do it all over again in 10 minutes...seriously, why do I still give this kid fluids?
Lather, Rinse, Repeat...
and I get to do it all over again today :)