Thursday, May 14, 2009

He Wears Short Shorts

As usual it's Fatherhood Friday at Dad Blogs. Click the link to the right and see what all the great folks over there have to say.

So I was watching Rachel Ray on Wednesday and Kate(of Jon and fame) was on. After feeling bad while watching her squirm through questions about recent events(if you don't know you've never seen Yahoo News lol). Then she started talking about her new line of clothes through Healthtex and Wal Mart(SERIOUSLY??).

I actually understood what she was getting at though when she mentioned wanting to let your kids pick their own clothes out. I've done it, it's not pretty.

I rarely let Number 1 pick out his school clothes, but play clothes I'm fine with. He also dresses himself for gymnastics practice. How hard is it to grab a pair of shorts and a t-shirt? Not hard, if I get the clothes in the right drawers...

One night last fall I took him to practice as normal and all was well. We came home and the missus had dinner ready(she cooks on gymnastics night). She gave Number 1 a look and then she looked at me like he had a second head growing from his neck. I stepped back and took another look and didn't really see anything. She looked at me and started to laugh(nothing I'm not used to, I'm quite familiar with it by now). She asked Number 1 to come closer and she pulled out the back of his shorts and started laughing even harder.

I wasn't quite as on the ball as I should have been when I was putting away the laundry that week. Apparently I put a pair of Squirts(at the time 18 month) shorts in Number 1's drawer(6 years old).

Sure they looked short, but that's why they call them shorts...


SurprisedMom said...

Oh this is too funny! Did Number 1 realize why Mom was laughing so hard? Didn't he get uncomfortable in his "shorts?" I have two girls, 15 and 18. They put away their own clothes. It saves so much arguing and embarassment this way. They also buy their own clothes, but if the parents don't approve, back they go. Good luck in your clothing escapades.

Rob said...

LOL, that is funny. I am not into wearing my son wear shorts unless they are to his knee. My wife hold the same rule for me. She does not like to see boys/men in short shorts. LOL
Happy FF!

-Justin said...

Ha! Good thing my kids are 13 years apart! I could sooo see this happening to me! ;)

Andrew's Daddies said...

Funny Jason. I got to know Number 1's response. What did he think once his mom was laughing?

KWG said...

That is funny stuff. Show that to Number 1's prom date.

Otter Thomas said...

Funny story. I am equally clueless and we only have one kid. If and when we have another I will be in big trouble.

WeaselMomma said...

Dad's can be so full of entertainment.

Jason said...

@Surprised Mom- oddly enough he said they felt fine. He's actually helped me put his laundry away before, but I have to get the right clothes into the right baskets first.

@Rob- For gymnastics they can't be too long so I didn't think anything of it LOL

@Justin- You'd be in good company ;)

@Andrew's Daddies- He didn't think much of it, he was just like, oh, no big.

@KWG- Now you're making me wish I took pictures lol

@ Otter Thomas- You'd be surprised how much of your mind you lose when you have your second

@WeaselMomma- We go out of our way, just for the benefit of you ladies :D

New Dad Blog said...


Mocha Dad said...

My wife doesn't let kids kid out their outfits, but I do. Sometimes they put together strange ensembles, but mostly they get it right.

TheDevotedDad said...

My daughter is always tying something odd together. My favorite is a pair of sweats with a dress shirt. Very funny! -Jason

Pam said...

who wears short, shorts..#1 wears short, shorts. gee dad, i think you need to sort through the clothes, eh? lol funny stuff. :)