Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bye Bye Truck!

It's Friday again! Check out Dad-Blogs and see what everybody else has to say.

The missus and I have been noticing this week just how much Squirt's language has become so much clearer. He's especially fond of his hellos and good-byes.

Hello bird, bye bye bird. Hello dog dog, bye bye dog dog. Hello total stranger in the store, bye bye total stranger in the store. But among all of these the most annoying has been bye bye truck.

Last Friday we had 19 yards of mulch delivered(and believe it or not we didn't order enough!!).

It was delivered in a huge dump truck and Squirt was amazed by it. He's recently found Number 1's Hot Wheels and is totally obsessed with cars and trucks. I brought him out to sit on the stoop and watch the mulch be dumped but he still doesn't like loud sounds so he watched from the doorway. Squirt's also my cleaning helper so he's not a fan of messes.

As the truck pulled out of the drive he said "bye bye truck" he then looked at the drive, all covered in mulch and looked at me and said "ooh mess mess".

For this entire week at least 4 or 5 times a day out of the blue we'll hear "bye bye truck, oooh mess mess". he wakes up from his naps saying it, he says it everytime a large vehicle drives down the street, he says it when he poops.

I will have no problem saying bye bye to "bye bye truck, oooh mess mess"

Happy Fatherhood Friday!


WeaselMomma said...

That's so cute! (as long as I don't have to hear it 24/7)

Andrew's Daddies said...

awwe...cute story! My son now will say each word he learns in a normal voice. "book", "ball", "car"...but for some reason when he says "cup"...he SCREAMS it. CUP! CUP!.

I don't get it. But I find it to be the cutest thing

Lauren said...


Our littlest one started using words this week too. His favorite? "Whassat" and "doggie." For some reason he says "kitty" too but we don't have a cat.

Mocha Dad said...

The words of a child are sweet.

Rob said...

LOL, that is funny. My daughters new word to everything is NO. you hungery, NO. Nighttime, NO. Want a snack, NO. It is funny how kids get hooked on a work and use it nonstop until they learn a new one. Happy FF!!!

Otter Thomas said...

That could drive a person crazy but to us bystanders its a funny story.

Un-Hawthorne-ed said...

Children don't repeat things to drive their parents crazy do they? I always thought they sat quietly in a corner and smiled politely straight out of the womb.

Super Mega Dad said...

I bet he's completely proud of himself with those new words too. He's FINALLY able to interact with people now. ;)

KWG said...

Wow, that's the same mantra I chant when I'm on the potty.

Just kidding. Maybe...

Bea's still shrieking like a banshee (she is only 7 months). We're trying out sign language to see if that takes.

Pam said...

5x a day? how do you handle it. you would have had to put me in a straight jacket and ship me off to the looney bin lol just kidding. as i was telling another blogger, be grateful these are the only things you are hearing right now and not the attitude and back talk that comes in the future. :-/ oh yeah. it's so much fun. lol

BellaDaddy said...

Dang, if only you could hear what is coming out of our little one's mouth right literate and yet, so funny...Great Post!

john said...

great post, how adorable. I love the mess