Thursday, March 12, 2009

Routines and Recognition

It's Fatherhood Friday all over again.

I'm a totally anal person, I know it and admit it. The only way that I will get anything done is if I know exactly what I'm doing and when I'm doing it. If I have to think about what I'm going to do I won't get anything done.

I have a cleaning schedule that hasn't changed in the past 2 years since I've been a stay at home dad. I make our weekly menu every Wednesday so that I know what I need to buy at the grocery store on Thursday morning. Which really brings me to what I've been thinking about all day.

My youngest and I have been making the same shopping trip every Thursday for the last 2 years. Everyone at Target and Giant Eagle know my son by name. There are actually a few clerks at Giant Eagle that know my name lol. Whenever you're there with a small child, you really don't exist, and I'm ok with that.

Everyone at Target knows why we're there, either toys, video games or movies, which are all conveniently located in the same area, and the occasional cleaning supplies.

But what really cracks me up is that every week at Giant Eagle, the Nabisco rep takes the time to talk to my son and makes sure that she gets her weekly hello. As soon as she sees us she puts on a huge smile and says "their he is" or "hey guys". That's all really, just friendly hellos, but it makes my morning. Seeing everybody pay all this attention to my son. Just taking the time to say hello.

He loves going to the store and sits quietly in the cart. Everyone says what a great boy he is(yes, it's the same son I wrote about last week), but when you get all of that attention it's easy to be good.

People can laugh at my routines all they want, but I'm not going to change. Sure it can seem boring, but good things can come from routines.

And a little bit off topic but I know that Joeprah's been dying to see my barricaded entertainment center ever since I mentioned it 2 weeks ago on his blog. So here's a few pics for all to laugh at how far we have to go to keep our home entertainment safe from grabby toddler hands.


Isabella said...

People can laugh at my routines all they want, but I'm not going to change. Sure it can seem boring, but good things can come from routines.

Children thrive on routine...a gem of wisdom that I'm reminded of when my daughter's schedule is thrown off. I guess it's alright though...I get just as cranky. :)

Happy Fatherhood Friday!

Andrew's Daddies said...

I need the structure!! and kids definately need the structure.
I've got those very same decorative barricades in my home. I have gates on all my stairs..locks on all my kitchen cabinets...and those barricades all over the living room.

Anonymous said...

My head would explode with that much structure. More power to you. I will be building a similar barricade as soon as my daughter begins to walk. Great Idea.

Otter Thomas said...

It is nice when people take the time to say hello. It seems so rare these days. Great barricade. You have some serious defense skills.

Anonymous said...

That is an awesome fortress of entertainment!

Anonymous said...

Our neighborhood Vons is like that for us. Everyone knows us. We're a memorable visual. I'm white, husband black, son white, daughter black. George Jefferson would call us the Zebra Family. I admire your structure. I'm the most organized in my family and that is not saying much. Hutch

BellaDaddy said...

The little one here is known at Starbucks and Alberstons, also by name...gotta love it eh?

Also, HOLY COW, no kidding on the barricade thing lol

Anonymous said...

Nice barricade, I need to do that to my stuff too...the little hands have just figured out how to shut off my receiver making my whole system go dark...and I'm with you on the routines, mine isn't as regimented, but I'm loath to take my son off his schedule...

john said...

too funny. We all need structure,

Anonymous said...

Fatherhood Friday is my only routine of a day, reading posts between loads of laundry and coffee pot trips fills my day, and it takes all day! And today there is even time to reply to some!

WeaselMomma said...

Wow, schedules are good, but can you deal with things when a monkey wrench gets thrown into your day or is your whole week off kilter then?

Anonymous said...

I have absolutely no structure in my life. The ironic thing is that I have worked as a planner/scheduler and a quality manager where I had to make sure that people conformed to standards.

ShankRabbit said...

I think routine is awesome. My wife is taking the time to teach me routine since I'm very "unfocused".

Love the mesh over the electronics. That's genius!

Jason said...

Thanks for the comments all!